Swiss side Aero Tip - Gravel Wheel Setup Differences
How much potential is there in the aerodynamic drag performance of different gravel wheels? The numbers from the wind tunnel test show, that the GRAVON 420 aero carbon wheel brings...
Bleibe am Ball mit unseren Aero- und Technik-Tipps, damit du deine Leistung auf dem TT-Bike steigern kannst und um deine Power auf das höchstmögliche Niveau zu bringen. Wenn du noch mehr über das Thema wissen möchtest, empfehlen wir dir, einen Blick auf unseren Aero-Podcast Swiss inSide zu werfen. Wir liefern dir faszinierende Einblicke in die Welt der Aerodynamik, diskutieren diese und geben dir verschiedenen Aero-Tips, die wir während unseren Windkanal-Tests entdeckt haben.
How much potential is there in the aerodynamic drag performance of different gravel wheels? The numbers from the wind tunnel test show, that the GRAVON 420 aero carbon wheel brings...
TRUE OR FALSE: Riding one frame size smaller with more spacers/longer stem is faster than riding the ideal frame size This is generally TRUE. Smaller frames typically have less drag (this...
TRUE OR FALSE: Aero helmets are faster than classic road helmets No surprise Sherlock, this one is TRUE. And there are watts to be gained whether you are in a...
TRUE OR FALSE: The praying mantis position is the fastest time trial position FALSE. Every athlete is individual. Flexibility and the shape a person’s body folds into when they are in...
TRUE OR FALSE: Shoe covers are the cheapest way to save watts FALSE. In all our tests, shoe covers have made very little difference at all. Below 45km/h, the effect...
TRUE OR FALSE: Less suit is less drag FALSE. As aero experts, we go by the motto: the wind doesn’t like skin. By extension, covering more of your skin is...
TRUE OR FALSE: Riding with a standard bottle (or two) on the frame is an aerodynamic disaster You might have guessed, this is TRUE. Round bottles are a big penalty...
TRUE OR FALSE: Wearing an aero helmet without the visor negates the aero advantage FALSE. In all of the aero testing we have done to date with athletes in the...
TRUE OR FALSE: A 1x chainring is faster than a classic double or triple This one is TRUE. The aerodynamic benefit comes primarily from removing the front derailleur. The larger...
Big disc rotors or small ones? Is there an aerodynamic difference between Rotor Size? Swiss Side CEO Jean-Paul Ballard gives us a new Aero Insight with this exclusive wind tunnel...
Tyre choice is indeed extremely important and Swiss Side has spent a lot of time investigating tyre performance. For triathlon, aerodynamics is by far the most important performance parameter. In this respect, choosing a...
Patrick Lange // Challenge Roth 2023
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