Swiss inSide
The podcast that makes you faster.

Swiss inSide
Behind the scenes
Aerodynamics and F1, Speed and Efficiency, Physics and Company Insights. We will cover it all in our Swiss inSide Podcast.
Our podcast dives deep into the insides of a young, highly innovative company, telling its secret stories, as it moves to becoming a well-established brand and innovator in the cycling industry.
Find all Siwss inSide episodes on our Spotify channel.

The Ironman Hawaii 2023 - Race summary and the bottle problem
Episode 8
We are talking about the big show in Kona this year, 2023. What was the most unexpected thing during the race and how to deal with big groups or the bottle problem in the future?
2024 will be special
Episode 9
The Swiss Side Pro Triathlon Team 2024, new Triathlon race series, sponsorship insights, and a look into the future.

AERO textiles equal faster times?
Episode 10
In this episode, we get to the bottom of this question. We talked about AERO Socks, AERO CALF Sleeves, suits and if you ever wondered what these not so cost-intensive AERO gadgets really do for you.
Swiss inSide x Larry Warbasse
Episode 11
What is it like to be a pro athlete in the world tour? Larry Warbasse (US) and Jean-Paul give us some great insights into the past years of road cycling, bike positions, tyres, the peloton, and much more.

Swiss inSide x Patrick Lange
Episode 12
Since 2018 Swiss Side and Patrick Lange have been working together. We can look back to a successful and steadily growing partnership. In this Swiss inSide Podcast episode we talk about racing, winning in Kona, and of course the role of aerodynamics.
Swiss inSide x Jason West
Episode 13
Free speed? Jason West and our Podcast hoster Daniel Welsch are talking about wind tunnel testing, aerodynamic equipment, and Jason`s most challenging competition ever.

Swiss inSide x Flurina Rigling
Episode 14
Flurina Rigling started cycling at the age of 5 but could not break with standard breaks. Today she is a multiple World Champion, National Champion, and Olympic Medalist - what else is coming? This strong woman from Zürich worked on her aerodynamics together with Swiss Side - a true "gamechanger" for her.
Swiss inSide x Sam Laidlow
Episode 15
This episode is about Sam Laidlow joining the Swiss Side team, mastering aerodynamics, and putting your heart and soul into achieving one big goal.
Are you curious about how Sam grew up, his future goals, and what`s special for him about this sport?

Why is an aerodynamic optimisation so important?
AERO Round Table 1
In this special series four engineers from Swiss Side discuss five of the most relevant topics in the world of cycling. The topic of the first episode is hotly debated among age groupers: Most amateur athletes think they are too slow and aerodynamic optimisations on the bike are just important for professional athletes. This is clearly wrong...
Aerodynamic products - the greatest benefit at the lowest cost
AERO Round Table 2
Did you ever wonder what the actual benefit when wearing an aero tri suit, aero helmet, or aero socks/sleeves?
Well, here you`ll get the answer.

The importance of aerodynamic wheels
AERO Round Table 3
The importance of aero wheels, how to find the right set up, the myth of the 105% ruel, tubeless vs. tube and so much more.
What really makes you faster and how you can measure it yourself
AERO Round Table 4
In the fourth episode of the Aero Round Table our Swiss Side engineers talk about what amateur athletes can do to really improve their aero game, to get faster and to save some serious watts.

What our engineers would develop if there were no rules or limitations
AERO Round Table 5
We asked our engineers what they would invent in the world of aerodynamics if there were no rules or limitations. Let`s end the first season of our Aero Round Table series with a fun one.

Our creative mind. Swiss inSide podcast hoster
Daniel Welsch
As the hoster of our `on air - on aeroad´ podcast, Daniel is 100% in his element. Wheter it`s checking out the latest technologies in the cycling and triathlon industry, pondering questions about aerodynamics, or talking for hours about speed an efficiency, Daniel is our PRO when it comes to creative ideas that will fascinate you. Explore his Instagram, and YouTube channel, and don`t miss our podcast to find out what Swiss inSide is about.