Accessories, decals, and spare parts
Upgrade your wheels

Need help?
Here you can find some frequently asked questions about spare parts, hubs, and wheels in general.

How do I get spare spokes for my wheels?
If you are looking for spare spokes for your wheels we are happy to forward you to our partner DT Swiss. Please contact them directly and let them know what exactly you need.
Here you can find a list of all DT Swiss service centers around the world.
Can I get only the rim?
We do not offer single parts of the wheel, such as rims.
Can I get a new hub?
If your hub is broken or you feel like it needs to be exchanged, reach out to our partner DT Swiss and kindly let them know what exactly you need. Also provide them with your receipt and name.
Which valve extension do I need?
For your wheels with a rim width of 62.5 mm you need a 40 mm valve extension.
For your wheels with a rim width of 80 mm you need a 60 mm valve extension.
I need to have a service done, where can I do that?
If you feel like your wheels need a service, kindly contact our partner DT Swiss and let them know what exactly you need. Also, provide them with your receipt and name.
What rim tape do I need?
For all HADRON² Classic and Ultimate wheels, you need a 19 mm rim tape.
Where do I get parts for my crashed wheel?
If you were involved in a crash and your wheels or parts of your wheels are damaged we offer our so-called fare share policy service.
The standard procedure looks like this:
First of all, please contact the DT Swiss Service Center. As our wheels are produced by DT Swiss you can read up on the fare share policy.
After that please follow the instructions on the DT Swiss website (fill out the contact formula, upload images, send invoice number, etc.).
What is the fair share policy? The Fair-Share Policy applies to all DT Swiss-produced Swiss Side carbon wheels. If the carbon rims have suffered a defect due to a riding error, you will benefit from a replacement with a new rim at a cost-conscious rate. The personal contribution for the ARC 1100 DICUT DISC wheel is there is a charge of CHF 749 / EUR 749 / USD 749.
Most of the times your insurance will take over the cost.
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