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Kostenloser Versand in die EU,GB,CH,USA und CANADA für Bestellungen über €500

Ultimative Geschwindigkeit und Stabilität mit dem Continental AERO 111 Tire!

Kaufe den GRAVON Carbon 500 Laufradsatz und erhalte einen Aluminium-Laufradsatz GRATIS!

Swiss Side top wheels in Kona

SWISS SIDE amongst the top wheel brands in Kona

With a brilliant victory from American rookie Chelsea Sodaro, and Norway’s Gustav Iden, the IRONMAN World Championships 2022 officially shut the drapes on October 8th, 2022. The World Championship are very much the pinnacle of the IRONMAN scene, and for any athlete to qualify for and so be able to compete within the race, is a stellar achievement.

With a great performance, comes great exposure as well; not only for professional athletes and age-groupers, trying to write their name in the books of the history of the sport, but also for the sporting brands supporting them in their quest.

After the Championships, Triathlete magazine reported the “bike count”, the total of athletes showing up to the championship geared up with the most influential cycling brands in the world. In 2022, SWISS SIDE takes home a very respectable 9th place overall, with a total of 272 wheels, and 8 ridden by Pro Men (placing us 5th in the respective ranking). DT Swiss wins the silver medal overall, with a total of 1498 wheels riding the famous Hawaiian hills, and the title for most present brand within the Pro Men category with 18 wheels counted.

To be present amongst the biggest cycling brands in the world, makes the hard work and dedication we have put into building a genuine, quality-oriented brand who could serve the purpose of supporting World-Championship winning performances, very much worth the efforts.

Being official partners for the engineering process of DT Swiss aero wheels since 2015, besides having created our own successful brand, this achievement truly motivates the whole team to keep believing in our basic principles and core values.

Huge thanks go out to everyone who has supported us in this beautiful journey so far!

Check out the full article on Triathlete Magazine!

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